e3value user guide

Appendix A
The e3value Ontology

In the ontology diagrams, the role that a concept is playing in a relationship is written next to the concept, and the cardinality of the concept in the relationship is written at the far end. The default cardinality of the relationships is any (0..*). For example, in figure A.1, a market segment performs any number (0..*) of value activities, and a value activity is performed-by-ms at most one (0..1) market segment.

For each concept, its properties are listed (see appendix B for definitions). If a property has a default value, it is shown. The name property of concepts is initialized with a unique value by the e3value editor.

If its value is derived from other property values, then it is preceded by an asterisk.

The e3value editor allows you to add your own properties to any concept.

Figure A.1:Value network concepts (chapter 2). The arrow represents generalization.

In figure A.1, value activities have an exclusive relationship either with a market segment or with an actor. This is true even if an actor is a member of a marlet segment.

Partnership only inherits the name of Actor. In e3value we cannot specify investments, fixed expenses or interest of a partnership.

Figure A.2:Economic transactions (chapter 3).

Figure A.3:Dependency elements (chapter 4). The arrow represent generalization.

Figure A.4:Time series (chapter 7). The arrow represents generalization.